Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 25 - Back to work!

Luckily, while in CA, we found a camel hair coat. I was able to photograph it in a similar pose and lighting for use in this piece. A big part of the time with Jennifer was spent seeing how she used her photos for references. When she goes on a photo shoot, she takes hundreds of shots and then saves all of them on CDs and a back up hard drive. She doesn't delete ANY! Sure there will be a few that have the best poses, or expressions. But sometimes she'll need a hand or foot or background from a lesser shot to complete the image. When she is using a photo for direct reference, she has it on an extra large monitor that she connects to her laptop. The image on the screen has better/truer colors than a printed image. We also spent time talking about this piece and she offered some ideas; I had the trees to both sides of the hat, looking oddly manufactured. So yesterday I worked at adding some more behind the hat. I am also planning to add greenery to the trees, softening the look a bit. I am also planning to add more shine, etc, to the spurs and such behind the subject. Plenty more to do!

1 comment:

Trevor Burrowes said...

Nice. I want to see how the softening looks. Nice air. I can breath it!