Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is the still life I completed while at Jennifer's place. A lovely day spent! Trying to recall some of what I learned while there, some new, some remembered; - Pay attention to edges. Some need to be more solid and some need to be softened. Softening can be done with a mixture of the two colors or with a brush stroke while both colors are still wet, or even using a tissue to "knock" the edge, or a finger to blend. - Don't forget to punch the dark accents. - Brush strokes; this was a topic that we explored numberous times. Discussing Sargent's single strokes to represent a highlight, etc. And creating a textured more painterly background. Even intensional stray brush strokes to pull a color from the background over the edge of the subject. We've both noticed that music choices when painting are variable; the same song can be inspirational or immensely irritating at times. Audio books work sometimes. And other times I cannot remember at all what was playing.

1 comment:

Trevor Burrowes said...

Very beautiful...and Sargent-like.