Friday, February 18, 2011

Week 19 (6) - Working on background

A big part of the mentoring goals for me was to have backgrounds in my work, so this project is a perfect exercise! I worked on the left side after straightening up the window on the right a bit. Trying to find the idea balance between realistic shapes and objects without over detailing them. I'm putting in two photos, one straight on and the other from the side. I'm finding it difficult to photograph in the studio because of glare...even with a polarizing lens. I did adjust Wayne's shoulder...I noticed it was too low, giving him a distorted look.

1 comment:

Jennifer Welty said...

Hi Deborah!
There's that easel that I am coveting! I don't know if this will help, but when I photograph my paintings in the day, I turn off all my studio lights, angle my canvas so it doesn't get any reflected light from out-of -doors, and place my camera on a tripod, which allows me to shoot at extremely low light levels. I use my "no flash " setting, and then I turn it to manual setting too, and bracket it with different F stops. I try to have the camera lenz exactly parallel to my canvas, to avoid distortion.