Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Been Busy

Started a new commission and have been photographing the progress. Trying to spend a bit let time on the computer and more time at the easel, but need to update some.  The official mentoring program for 2011 is probably complete, but Jennifer and I have built a relationship that will last beyond. She has been asked to take on another protege, but has decided it would be best to alternate the years. So look for her next year!

About the piece; it is a 20 x 24. I'd started with 18"x24" but realized it would not allow the subjects any room to breath. I'm including photos of the concept drawing and poster study which were presented to the client for approval. Then there is the drawing in charcoal on canvas; I tried toning the canvas but it proved challenging with the wash in later. Then the ink in and progress from wash in to form painting. I put in the background and as soon as it was "done" I realized what I really wanted to do there. So that will change. I've also still got a lot to do with the faces, features and skin tones, as well as the shirts. But here they far.

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